The YouthLaunch/KIPP Austin Partnership
The Plan II/KIPP Partnership
Established in 2007, and supported by YouthLaunch, the Plan II/KIPP Partnership is a collaboration with KIPP Austin Public Schools and the Plan II Honors Program at the University of Texas at Austin centered on engaging Plan II students as mentors and resources to younger students at KIPP Austin.
The Plan II/KIPP Course:
Select Plan II sophomores and juniors take a course that deeply immerses them in issues related to the systematic inequality of educational opportunity for historically underserved students. KIPP Austin Public Schools founder, Jill Kolasinski, teaches the course with the aid of two senior undergraduate assistants. The students are trained as mentors and are paired with 5th graders from KIPP Austin College Prep. Mentors visit their mentees weekly and reinforce KIPP's message that college is a valuable and attainable goal.
The Plan II/KIPP Partnership also includes "PlanTutoring" volunteering options at KIPP Austin Collegiate and a mentoring program with KIPP Austin Academy of Arts and Letters. Visit the Plan II/KIPP website to learn more.
The KIPP Alumni Mentoring Program
YouthLaunch has played a leadership role in exploring the development of a KIPP Alumni Mentoring Program (KAMP), aimed at structuring opportunities for KIPP alumni who are now in college to serve as mentors and role models for current "KIPPsters."
To learn more, contact Fritz Fitzpatrick (ffitzpatrick@youthlaunch.org) or Grant Thomas (hgrantthomas@gmail.com).